Monday, May 28, 2007

What I have learned in this project

During this semester, I learnt a lot from this blog. First of all am now able to create a new blog. Moreover, in my blog everybody can find a lot of information about global warming. Furthermore my skills improved a lot because I had to read many articles to find out about global warming and I summarized them. In this project, I learnt about global warming, now am aware more about the causes and effects. Now am able to aware other people about the causes and effects of this important issue, so we can all act together to face the global warming.

Individual Action to be taken

In the UAE if we work together we can do many things. First of all, why don’t we have a day in the week or even in the month without using cars? For example we can use buses, walking or bikes. That may take longer but we will save fuel and do some exercise. Secondly, recycling papers such as newspapers and magazines and aluminum cans and glasses cups will decrease the energy needed to produce new materials. Finally, government must fines the old cars which polluted the air with large amount of CO2. Also I recommend the movie 'An Inconvenient Truth'. It will teach us a lot.

UAE and Global Warming

An Australian scientist set the UAE as a base for his project. He has a theory to save the world from global warming by making the ocean bloom with microscopic plants that can absorb carbon dioxide. According to Professor Ian Jones a phytoplankton which a tiny plant live in the sea maybe become the solution for the global warming. This planet can act like a tree, but by adding urea granules (a solid from nitrogen). The minister of environment and water Mohammed Saeed Al Kindi was happy about this idea hopping to meet Professor Jones next time.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Sea Level Rise Due to Global Warming

Rissing Seas and Global Warming

Rising of the sea level is one of the main effects of the global warming. Over the last 100 years, the global sea level has risen by about 10 to 25 cm. Sea level change is difficult to measure. The major problem is that the land experiences vertical movements and these get incorporated into the measurements. It is likely that much of the rise in sea level has been related to the concurrent rise in global temperature over the last 100 years. Other factors are more difficult to quantify. The rate of observed sea level rise suggests that there has been a net positive contribution from the huge ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica, but observations of the ice sheets do not yet allow meaningful quantitative estimates of their separate contributions. The ice sheets remain a major source of uncertainty in accounting for past changes in sea level because of insufficient data about these ice sheets over the last 100 years.

Effects of Global Warming

Many researches found out that global warming effects have taken place during the 20th century. Global warming effects have resulted in an increase of the average surface temperature, a decrease in snow cover and ice extent and a rise of the sea level. Moreover, global warming effects affect precipitation, cloud cover and extreme temperatures. Natural reasons will always affect global warming effects. However, human activities are increasing significantly the concentrations of greenhouse gases, mainly CO2) in the atmosphere, resulting in global warming effects. Although more research is needed, understanding of global warming effects processes and computer models have improved. Global warming effects models conclude that most of the warming over the last 50 years is likely to have been due to man-made activities.

Carbon Dioxide and Temperature